Initiatives ideas: Promoting walking meetings, so employees can move away from their desks. Establishing mental health champions, mental health first aiders and having conversations about mental health.
Good work initiatives might include: Flexible working options to ease pressures from an employee’s personal life. Ergonomically designed offices and/or desks.
Initiatives to consider in this area include: Engaging with the local community through sponsored events. Holding a staff wellbeing day with ideas on how to improve company wellbeing.
Some ideas are: Allowing everyone to feel heard and involved with regular group brainstorms and ideas sessions. Offering teamwork skills workshops.
Initiatives you could introduce include: Mentoring from peers or employees in other departments, allowing development, knowledge sharing or upskilling. Offering career and performance development planning software or services.
Here are some ways to encourage staff wellbeing: Offer workout classes at work or subsidised gym memberships. Provide standing desks or exercise ball seats as options.
As well as fair and transparent pay and reward policies, some ideas are: Holding work days focused on finances and saving. Providing a phased retirement programme.
By implementing a solid employee wellness program, you can reduce stress-related absences, and you can also build a very resilient workforce too. If you want to make sure that your HR support services are actually benefiting your team, or if you want to explore the benefits of focusing on employee health and wellbeing, then this is the guide for you.
Health checks and even wellbeing benefits are all very good ways for you to support the physical and mental health of your team. Stress management should also be part of your health program, as it helps your team to deal with whatever work-related conflicts they may have to deal with, while teaching them valuable ways to cope with the pressure they are under.
If you want your team to do good work, then you have to facilitate this. Make sure that their working area is ergonomic and free from distractions, while also providing a strong level of autonomy. Make sure that your team are not working more hours than they should be either, by ensuring that responsibilities are distributed evenly.
Inclusion is so important in the workplace. Sharing the organisations values can increase commitment and performance, as employees feel they are making a positive contribution. You have a responsibility to make sure that everyone is aware of their role, that they are trained to complete their duties, and that they also have a solid understanding of your general mission or objective.
Communication should be your primary focus as much as possible. Conflicts do happen in the workplace, but if they can be resolved and if you can foster a healthy team working environment, then this will help your team to function at a higher level of productivity.
Your company may be growing, and this is great, but at the end of the day, you have to make sure that your team are growing with it. If your team members are yet to see a promotion on the horizon or if they can’t see themselves moving up the ladder, then this will have a profound impact on their mental health.
Encourage your team to be as healthy and as active as possible. Help them by encouraging them to sign up to your company’s gym membership program or even start a commercial sports team. By doing this, you can be sure to help them adopt a healthier lifestyle which will go on to benefit them at work.
Ensuring that your employees are paid fairly and that they are managing their money well is important. Offer support when it comes to putting away for retirement, and work with your team if you suspect that certain members are experiencing financial difficulty.
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